Nail fungus or fungal disease of the nails and tissues of the hands and feet is a common infectious disease. It is caused by yeast fungi that destroy the nail plates and cause skin inflammation. In medicine, these diseases are called onychomycosis or paronychia. The standard misconception is the assertion that only people who do not keep their hands and feet clean can get sick with a fungus. Most often, nail fungus affects those who have to stay in shoes for a long time due to their profession or other circumstances.
The classification of the disease depends on the type of infection and the localization of its spread.
- Normotrophic onychomycosis is manifested by small changes in the structure of the nail plate in the form of yellowish spots and stripes along the nail. It is the least noticeable and often does not cause any discomfort. The main concern is the appearance of the nail, which in the initial stages people try to hide with the help of cosmetics.
- Onychomycosis hypertrophic causes an increase in the volume of the horny plate of the nail. With this disease, a person may experience pain when pressing a finger. This creates inconvenience when walking in shoes.
- The superficial white fungus is distinguished by roughness on the surface of the nail plates and unpleasant whitish spots.

A mycologist specializing in fungal diseases can determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.
Types of fungus
Symptoms of infection with a fungal infection are similar, but the doctor selects the treatment depending on the type of fungus that caused the disease.
- Dermatophyte is the most common fungus that causes violations of the nail plates and tissues around. Usually chooses the thumb, little finger and the skin between the fingers. Easily cured with early diagnosis
- Candida begins its action in the skin between the fingers and moves to the nail.
- Fusarium and Alternaria molds are rare and mostly found in immunocompromised people
Reasons for the appearance
The main cause of infection is a violation of sanitary standards. But even a person who carefully monitors the cleanliness of hands, feet, and things can become infected in common areas.
- Contact with the carrier of the fungus and his things. This may be a visit to a bath or sauna, the use of individual foreign accessories or poorly processed manicure items.
- Excessive sweating of the feet creates a favorable environment for the spread of the fungus.
- The use of tight and poorly ventilated shoes made of artificial materials contributes to the creation of high humidity, helps the development of the disease.
- A weakened immune system is unable to fight infection.
- Treatment with antibiotics leads to a weakening of the immune system and the decomposition of the body's own microflora.
- A long period of taking antibacterial agents that destroy beneficial bacteria together with disease-causing ones
- Diseases of the vessels of the extremities reduce resistance and allow the fungus to disrupt the integrity of the skin for the development of the disease.
- Manifestations of diabetes mellitus in the form of skin disorders are a good environment for the development of fungal colonies.
- Wounds on the skin and cracks in the nails help the fungus to settle in and begin its work.
- Visiting nail salons can provoke the appearance of fungal infections if the sanitary standard for processing tools is not observed.

In children
In childhood, fungal infections are less common. This is due to the characteristics of the organism. As you know, the legs of children are not subject to excessive sweating. However, going to swimming pools and gyms can lead to infection in children. The immunity weakened by colds also contributes to this. In older and adolescence, when rapid hormonal changes occur in the child's body, there is also a risk of contracting a fungal infection. To protect against infection, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of shoes and wash them in time with antiseptic compounds.

One of the causes of infection with a fungus in children may be a lack of vitamins in the body. It is desirable to fill the deficiency with the help of proper nutrition and complex vitamin therapy. A doctor's consultation will help you choose the quality composition of vitamin supplements for your child.
Development process
Favorable conditions are necessary for the development of a fungal infection. Wet shoes from sweat and a neutral or slightly acidic environment create comfort for the reproduction of the fungus.
Unpleasant appearance of the nails, itching and pain around the nail indicate an incipient infection. If you do not engage in treatment, then after a while the fungus will completely destroy the nail plate and get to the soft tissues of the fingers and feet. In the advanced stage of the development of the disease, there may be qualitative changes in the form of blisters filled with a cloudy liquid with a strong unpleasant odor.
A disease that is common on the outer surface of the nail plate may not cause inconvenience. In some cases, this condition can last for years. The carrier of the fungus does not suffer himself, but is able to transmit the infection to others.
The consequences of infection with a fungus primarily affect the nails and tissues around them, but in the future they can cause negative consequences for the health of the whole body.
The growth of fungal colonies causes pain in the legs and leads to difficulty in wearing shoes. Nails change shape and can grow into the tissues of the fingers, causing unbearable pain when walking.

The deterioration of the immune system, caused by toxins that the fungus releases during its life, leads to the frequent occurrence of colds and inflammatory processes in the body.
Allergic reactions caused by the products of the fungus lead to a number of side diseases of the respiratory system and diseases of the liver and kidneys.
An infection that has settled in the body can cause conjunctivitis, rhinitis of various etiologies. Itching on the skin, red spots and irritation can affect not only the places of the initial localization of the colonies of the fungus, but also go to the skin of the body and head. This also affects the condition of the hair and skin on the face. May be part of the cause of dandruff.
Constant itching and discomfort caused by the disease is a fairly common reason for visiting a neurologist and psychotherapist.
The advanced form of the disease can lead to loss of the nail and deformation of the bones and joints.
To avoid infection, it is necessary to carefully observe hygiene standards not only when visiting public places, but also personal ones.

It is forbidden:
- Use common hygiene items. Each family member should have their own nail scissors, foot towel, soap, and more.
- You can not use someone else's shoes. Through shared slippers in the family, the infection can easily spread.
- Wash the things of the sick person with everyone else. It must be remembered that not all detergents and washing compounds are capable of destroying the fungus. This infection is very tenacious. Clothing items of a sick person should be treated with special solutions. This is especially true for shoes. It must be thoroughly rinsed inside and often change the insoles.